Steve Jobs
Our reflection on Steve Jobs
06/10/11 19:51
Just our own piece of video, from July 2001, taken at Macworld New York. This was from after the keynote and Jobs stayed around for about 45 mins, talking to the press, Apple managers and various well-wishers. As he approached one person, she shook his hand enthusiastically as the press continued to take pictures, and said “you guys are like rock stars!” This was before the iPod was launched, before the iPad.
Apple's leadership in 2011
26/08/11 12:37
The announcement this week that Steve Jobs was resigning as Apple CEO formalised what was already in place. Jobs took medical leave from Apple in January 2011, and Tim Cook was acting-CEO since then. The decision by Jobs to resign as CEO and move to Chairman of the board simply crystallised an existing situation in the leadership at Apple.

Presswatch: what we liked...
16/01/09 02:01
Presswatch: Bloomberg way off the mark...
15/01/09 22:49
In all of the coverage of Steve Jobs’ leave of absence, we found one article particularly distasteful. This is a report from Bloomberg, entitled, “Steve Jobs May Have Pancreas Removed After Cancer”. The article is based on the premise that Jobs may have his pancreas removed after the a return of the cancer he suffered from in 2004.

I found the article distasteful on a number of levels. Firstly it is based on pure speculation; there is currently no evidence to suggest a return of Jobs’ pancreatic cancer, and suggesting this is pure guesswork. .

I found the article distasteful on a number of levels. Firstly it is based on pure speculation; there is currently no evidence to suggest a return of Jobs’ pancreatic cancer, and suggesting this is pure guesswork. .
Steve Jobs issues statement about his health
05/01/09 16:37
Apple CEO suffering from hormone imbalance
Today Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, issued an open letter to the Apple community, giving details of his ill-health. It sought to reassure the Apple, and wider business community, of his health position. Jobs has admitted that he is suffering from weight loss brought on by a hormone imbalance, but has aimed to dismiss rumours of a return of his cancer..
Today Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, issued an open letter to the Apple community, giving details of his ill-health. It sought to reassure the Apple, and wider business community, of his health position. Jobs has admitted that he is suffering from weight loss brought on by a hormone imbalance, but has aimed to dismiss rumours of a return of his cancer..